Vegas Golf Invitational Tournament

​22nd Annual
Vegas Golf Invitational
April 24 - 27, 2025

It’s that time of year again, time to dust off your clubs, shine those golf shoes and put your party hat on, it’s our 22st Annual Vegas Golf Invitational in sunny Las Vegas.
Thursday April 24 - Angel Park Golf Club, 1PM Tee Times
Thursday April 24 - V Ultimate Variety Show - 7PM
Friday April 25 - Boulder Creek Golf Club, 1PM
Friday April 25 - No Limit Texas Hold'em Tournament - 9PM Casesars Poker Room
Saturday April 26 - Bears Best Golf Club - Check-in 1130AM
Saturday April 26 - Fremont Street Partying with the Players - 10PM
Sunday April 27 - Rhodes Ranch - Tee times starting 1PM
If you have any questions, you can contact Bill Wyland or Mike Brinkmann
Now is the time to register … we need a headcount, so GET ON IT!!!! Click here to register.
Hole sponsorship's sold out quickly last year. Rates are only $150 for silver and $200 for gold to secure your sponsorship. Click here to sponsor.